Update on Type 2 Diabetes

This November 2020 is taking place the course “Update on Type 2 Diabetes”, directed by Dr. Carla Musso, coordinator of the diabetes department at Favaloro Foundation University Hospital in Buenos Aires (Argentina), aimed for a group of  24 specialists (internal medicine and endocrinology) from various countries of Central America. The objective of the program is to transmit the experience of Hospital Favaloro in the management and follow-up of diabetic patients. An update is made on the pathophysiology of diabetes and chronic complications, as well as therapeutics and new algorithms for the treatment of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Issues related to obesity and diabetes and therapeutic alternatives are addressed, as well as technology applied to diabetes. The evaluation of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, dyslipidemia and hyperuricemia will also be discussed during the course with the corresponding therapeutic approach. All these topics are treated through several virtual meetings where speakers and participants can exchange experiences, clinical cases and points of view.